Ming Gao, Concertmaster
The Cheryl Berlon Chair
Jenny Jin, Associate Concertmaster
The Catherine Reiche Chair
Judith Yanchus
David Qi
Israel Mendez
Jose Guedez
Cindi Qi, Principal 2nd Violin The Kathy Kelle & Karl Fedronas Chair
Gregory Carreno
Baoling Xu
Lisa Hallinan
Rachel Cox, Principal
The Tyler and Carolyn Swanson Chair
Juan Carlos Siviero The Judy Kaff Chair
Rafael Ramirez
Yaniv Cohen
Bradley Blaufuss
David Calhoun, Principal The Linda Tetrault Chair
Roy Garcia
Si-Cheng Liu The Ron & Cindy Blythe Chair
Scott Crowley
Sarah Troeller
Laurence Glazener, Principal The Anthony & Judith Licata chair
Spencer Stowers
Joseph Trunk
Dani Chiva Sanz
Richard Fleisher, Principal
Tasha Robinson
David Suarez, Acting Principal
Nicole Granroth
Nicole Granroth, Principal
Evan Ocheret, Principal
Dawn Hardy, Acting Co-Principal
Ellen Dahlstrom
Stacey McColley, Principal
Tony Negron
The Lydia Gattanell Chair
Allison Brandt
Laura Winters, Principal
Shawn Karson
Troy Messner, Acting Principal
Mathew Marshall
Lisa Bontrager
Dann O'Donnell
Dana Williams
Robert McCabe, Principal
Michael Hankins, Assistant Principal
Cindy Scaruffi-Klispie
Pamela Smitter
Benedetto Salvia
Brian Copeland
Shawn Marren
Timothy Conner, Principal
Scott Avant
Joe Stanko, Principal
Todd Hanley, Principal
The Brian and Tammy Kilgore Chair
Andrew Gilbert
Miguel Ángel Pagua Molina, Principal
Kyle Cherwinski, Principal
Michael Davis
Joshua Albert
Gabriel Stoelzel
Gavan McVey
Jesse Holmgren